Archives: Testimonials

28 Oct 2015

Aon Hewitt

“Winning Presentations has transformed the way we do things and the way we look at new business within the investment practice. We focus very strongly on the client’s business needs and deliver what they want to hear.”

28 Oct 2015

CG, President – MFS Institutional Advisors

“It provides a structure for an individual no matter how they are communicating with their particular audience – to maximize the effectiveness of the time with them.”

09 Sep 2015

DB, Director – HSBC Hong Kong

“Thank you for delivering a wonderful course. I can honestly say, it’s one of the best I’ve done. I would recommend these couple of days to everyone I can think of. I’ve learnt so much, fantastic couple of days.”

09 Sep 2015

AW, Regional Training Advisor, Middle East & India – ATKINS

“Many staff are involved in delivering complex presentations to both internal and external clients. The Winning Presentations programme has provided an excellent platform for people to shape and polish their skills to enhance the prospects of gaining new and maintaining existing client relationships.”