Learn sharp Learn fast

Time Critical


Access our integrated suite of powerful, half-day seminars designed to help the busy professional win and retain business, fast. The bite-size modules condense essential learning material from across our range of seminars, allowing you to pick and choose the areas that are most important to you.

See an overview of our Time Critical Learning modules below or email to receive a full copy of our digital brochure.

Our Modules

1 >>
The secrets of successful competitive final selection presentations.

A half day, high impact seminar that will give you powerful insights into what you need to do, from the buying panel’s perspective, to beat your competitors and win the mandate.

2 >>
Developing your propositions

A half day focused on the development of clear distinctive and differentiated sales proposition messages that will have resonance and appeal to your respective buyers.

3 >>
Behind closed doors – responding to RFP’s with winning proposals

A research-based, eye-opening half day workshop looking at the composition process and writing style required to get your proposals to the top of the short list.

4 >>
On the day – planning and delivering the sales presentation

An inspirational seminar, over two half days, focused on the key skills required to plan and conduct successful sales conversations in formal or informal circumstances, to meet a variety of audience objectives and expectations.

5 >>
Managing the Q&A – an opportunity, not a threat

A powerful half day seminar that will provide you with the techniques necessary to manage and remain in control during this critically important but potentially difficult period.

6 >>
Essential soft skills for client facing professionals

A highly focused seminar over two half day modules focused on the key skills required to plan and conduct successful conversations in formal or informal circumstances, to meet a variety of audience objectives and expectations.

We use a researched, tested and globally successful methodology for improving spoken and written communication, presentation and interpersonal skills.