Unveiling the 3P’s of Unforgettable Presentations: Presentation, Proposition, and Personality
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash Introduction Ah, presentations! For some of us, they are the business equivalent of skydiving – adrenaline-filled, slightly terrifying, and not for the faint-hearted. But they don’t have to be. Whether you’re unveiling the company’s next big thing or sharing quarterly reports, presentations have a funny way of revealing not just our ideas, […]

The Tyranny of the Autocue
Anyone who was following the events of last week, in respect of the Northern Ireland Protocol and the new Windsor Framework, will have seen two speeches delivered by Rishi Sunak. The first was delivered from the steps of a hotel in Windsor, jointly with Ursula von der Leyan, using two autocue screens. The second from […]

The Only Thing That Can Stop a Good Idea is a Bad Pitch: The Art of Practicing Your Presentation
Picture this: You’re in a room filled with high-powered executives, the lights are dimmed, and you’re about to give the most important presentation of your career. You take a deep breath, click the “next” button on your PowerPoint, and suddenly…your mind goes blank. Panic sets in. You look at your colleagues, who are staring back […]